Tuesday 10 June 2014

Housing Projections for Mosman

The NSW Department of Planning has released housing projections for all NSW LGA's.  For Mosman they are predicting an increase of 7,800 people over the next 15 years.  This will require 3,250 additional dwelling over this time.  This means more than 200 new dwellings need to be approved and built each year.

It is yet to be seen how Mosman Council will respond to these figures which are projections at this stage and not targets.

Mosman Council recently rejected the draft Spit Junction Master Plan which it commissioned in 2011. The NSW Government paid more than $200,000 for the consultants to prepare Master Plan.

Read more at http://www.planning.nsw.gov.au/projections

This is a screenshot of one of the Dept of Planning webpages.

Department of Planning Projections
Current Mosman population 27,550  projected to be 35,350 by 2030.
Current dwelling 13,750 projected to be 16,900 by 2030.

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