Monday 20 October 2014

Mike Baird Could Have Said 'Put Self Interest Aside and Put the Community Interest First'

The NSW Premier Mike Baird recently addressed the Local Government Conference and was quoted by the SMH,
"How can we use this process to deliver better services and more infrastructure for our community? It's almost that sense of having to put pride into the back seat and put the community into the front seat."
I imagine the Premier was using the word 'pride' to diplomatically say put aside 'self interest' and put the community interest first.

I have now attended three community forums over the last year on the issue of council mergers and the same story emerges each time. The rooms are populated by people like me, grey haired, active in the community, well informed and well connected to existing council structures.  Every one upholds the virtues and achievements of their council, they say they know who to talk to and how to get things done. They fear this will all change if their council merges with its neighbour.

Sitting amidst the protest at an ILGRP consultation
Many meetings are addressed by former Mayors, Councillors and General Managers all speaking with fondness for their contributions to civic life, their involvement with their communities.

It is hard not to be sympathetic to these appeals.

The reality is however, that these very well meaning people, who are making a real contribution to their communities and current and past Councillors, have a strong interest in the status quo. They know how it all works, they know the right people, they have the established relationships, they hold local power and they don't want anything to change.

But we are not representative of the community, with our knowledge, contacts and relationships, we are a privileged and very small minority. Most residents would not know the name of their ward Councillor or the name of their council's General Manager.  They simply want cost effective services and representation.

This is the appeal the Premiere is making, it is in the interest of the community that councils merge, to have the capacity and scale to provide better services, become more efficient and better represent their communities.  So please put aside 'self interest' and put the community first.  Premiere Mike Baird is right on this occasion.

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