Monday 10 November 2014

Mosmanly - a Text Book 'Red Herring'

'Straw man' and 'red herring' arguments are the stuff of high school debates and local politics.

In response to the 'Sampson Review' proposed merger of Warringah, Pittwatter and Manly, The mayor of Manly has suggested that Manly and Pittwater should each take over parts of Warringah Council, to take revenge and demolish the next door council that has been arguing in favour of amalgamations.

The mayor of Mosman supported  a merger between Mosman and Manly, Mosmanly, this being better than a merger between North Sydney and Mosman on the grounds that the two areas were both residential.   The Mosmanly proposal seemed to ignore the fact that Mosmanly council would be split in half by Sydney Harbour.

Both Mayors engaging in a classic 'red herring' argument, distracting and diverting attentions from the real issues.

Graham Sampson, chair of the ILGRP was recently interviewed by the Manly Daily. This is an extract.
We’ve been asked by the State Government to create a stronger local government sector, a combined northern beaches council taking in all three could be very strong. It could play a very important role in Sydney.” 
As for MosManly — a merger between Mosman and Manly — Mr Sansom said it was illogical. 
“We looked at the criteria for effective LGA boundaries and one of the features used commonly all around the world is a major waterway,” Mr Sansom said.
“Trying to make that death-defying leap across Middle Harbour to connect Mosman and Manly, we couldn’t see that as the logical way to go.

“Certainly there are some linkages between Mosman and Manly but the dominant link is between North Sydney and Mosman, then Manly with the northern beaches.”

No doubt we will see a few more of these distractions from our local mayors. The 'Straw Man' and Red herring fallacies are well explained in these two short videos.

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